

The core game engine contract for

πŸ‘‘ Ethrone

Capture and stay on it the longest to win the prize!

Goal of the game is to strategize when to capture the πŸ‘‘ Ethrone to maximize the time spent on it!

  • Launch an attack to capture the πŸ‘‘ Ethrone.
  • Time spent on the πŸ‘‘ Ethrone will be accumulated and added to your total score.
  • Each capture adds to a common prize pool.
  • Players get a limited number of captures per round (customizable)
  • Each round lasts 24h (customizable)
  • The player that accumulates the longest time on the πŸ‘‘ Ethrone at the end of the round wins the prize pool!

After each round, every player except the winner gets a 1h "Time Booster" to use in the next rounds (max 12h). Time Boosters are one time use, and add the time to the current time spend on the throne for the player. This means if a player doesn't win a round, they have higher chances to next the next ones!

Game configuration

  • Round duration
  • Price to play
  • Attempts per player

Deploy your own version of this contract and build your own frontend on top!

Playable frontend implementation:

1.0.6 Release Notes

Updated logo

Accumulated Time Spent






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  • Publish Date

    Sep 07, 2022

  • Licenses

    Apache-2.0, GPL-3.0-or-later

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