Airdrop ERC1155 NFTs to a list of recipients.
Airdrop ERC1155 NFTs to a list of recipients.
The AirdropERC1155
contract is suitable to use when you want to transfer ERC1155 NFTs to a list of recipient addresses, where these recipients are not expected to individually claim their airdrop; they just receive it in a transfer.
When airdropping tokens with this contract, you specify:
recipient: "0x123...",
tokenId: 1,
amount: 5
recipient: "0xabc...",
tokenId: 1,
amount: 5
note: token-owner must approve their tokens to this airdrop contract, by calling approval related functions on the ERC1155 contract.
Estimated gas costs for airdropping tokens:
Cost of airdropping 1 ERC1155 token: ~51,571
gas. Cost of airdropping each additional ERC1155 token: ~42,672
Official patch for Multicall
disclosed in
Dec 18, 2023
Apache-2.0, MIT