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The open-source server for scalable web3 apps

Production-grade HTTP server to interact with any smart contract on any EVM. Engine lets you create and interact with backend developer wallets, enabling high throughput with automatic nonce and gas management.

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Scale your app without sacrificing performance or security

Scale to millions

Production-grade infra that scales. Eliminate gas spikes, stuck transactions and network instability.

Go to market faster

Build web3 apps and games using familiar frameworks. Engine lowers the barrier to entry for developers and gives them the power of web3 with one http call.

Any EVM support

Launch your app on any (or many) chains. Unlock ultimate cross-chain flexibility with support for any EVM.

Secure and reliable

Back up private keys to the cloud, leverage secure cloud key management for signing and custody, revoke access to backend wallets, and monitor flow of funds.

Trusted by the best


Coinbase Wallet




Ava Labs


Ex Populus

Solutions for every web3-powered feature

Coinbase Brings Onchain Experiences to the Real World

Scalable, fast, & reliable NFT infrastructure to power onchain experiences — bringing half of all Mainnet 2023 attendees onchain via Coinbase Wallet.

See the case study

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