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Web3 & thirdweb SDK

Learn. Build. Grow.

Accelerate your journey to become a web3 developer with our expert-led program.

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Program Benefits

Domain Expertise

Our program will help you enhance your technical skills and knowledge, enabling you to excel in web3 development and become a master in the field.

Community Building

Connect with a network of web3 developers and content matter experts through our program. Build lasting relationships and gain valuable insights to help you grow your career in web3.

Career Launch

Get access to valuable resources to help you find your next job or start your own web3 company.

Comprehensive curriculum

Learn essential web3 concepts and gain in-depth knowledge of the thirdweb SDK that empowers you to build secure decentralized applications.

Expert-Led Training

Learn from industry-leading web3 developers who bring real-world experience and insights into the classroom.

Flexible Program Formats

Choose from a range of program formats, including self-paced courses, virtual workshops, or live bootcamps, to suit your goals.

Pick a Path

Product Manager

Learn how to create, manage, and integrate NFTs and other digital assets into dApps and platforms using thirdweb technologies.

Web3 Developer

For both front and back-end engineers to learn how to build secure and scalable dApps using the thirdweb SDK and relevant programming languages.

Back-end Engineer

Gain expertise in developing web3 services by reviewing common server-side workflows as well as creating and integrating smart contracts using thirdweb's Solidity SDK.

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DocsTemplatesGuidesOpen SourceTypeScriptReactReact NativeUnity.NETDashboardSolidityCLIWei ConverterHex ConverterUnix Time ConverterKeccak-256 Converter